Q: What Can I Cover My Garage Floor With?

If your garage floor is starting to look a little worse for wear, it’s time to give it a new lease on life! Here are a few options for covering your garage floor:


Vinyl is an easy DIY garage flooring option. However, just because it’s easy to install, doesn’t mean it's the best solution for covering your garage floor. Vinyl can bubble if not placed correctly, the edges can begin to curl over time (even with limited usage) and even just turning your wheel inside the garage could cause the vinyl to tear or break.


While more labor intensive than sticking down vinyl, painting is another option for covering your garage floor. And you can choose just about any color option if you choose this option to cover your garage. However, using paint on a garage floor is also the least durable option, and you’ll probably have to repeat the painting process every few years to keep your garage floor looking good.


Epoxy is a type of coating that not only comes in a variety of colors, it’s also incredibly durable. Unlike vinyl and paint, epoxy is scratch resistant, easy to clean, and will last you for many years to come. If you are interested in learning more about covering your garage floor with epoxy coating, schedule a free consultation and estimate with Modern Garage.