
Reclaim your garage with custom organizing systems!

At Modern Garage of Florida, we provide custom garage wall storage systems that will keep your garage neat and organized. Our expert installers will help you get your garage organized with grid systems and slatwall accessories. All of our home organization options are sure to fit your space, style, and budget.

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Slatwall and Accesories

Quality PVC Slatwall provides a space saving, elegant solution for any organizational task. With so many colors and attachments to choose from, Slatwall proves to be a great option for hand tool storage above workbenches, as well as organizing larger items along the walls.


Grid Systems Offer A Versatile Storage Option

Powder coated Grids are an excellent way to organize any garage item. Each 2'x4' grid allows you the freedom to attach any accessory to any square, creating a custom storage device that is able to adapt as future needs arise. Simply un-snap the hook and relocate it to another square. The possibilities are endless.