Garage Floor Coating Solutions in Southwest Florida

Are you sick of seeing a dated, dingy, and gross garage floor? Well, we can understand your concern.

A garage is an extension of the house. If your house is built like many in Southwest Florida, where you enter your home through your garage, tracking the dust, oil, and grime from the garage floor, you must know how difficult it is to keep the floor clean and shiny. A garage floor has to have the durability to withstand heavy use and extreme wear and tear. Garage floors that have not been properly sealed or coated will start to crack, deteriorate, and flake.

Do not lose hope just yet; modernizing the garage floor with TLC (professional help) will change all of that. Your garage floor deserves to be durable, shiny, and show-worthy space!

Here are a few garage floor coatings solutions that will elevate your garage: 

Polyurea and Polyurethane Coating

Polyurea and polyurethane coatings are impact and skid-resistant. These durable and flexible coatings protect just about anything and will keep the garage floor shiny and new-looking. However, keep in mind that polyurea and polyurethane coating do not bond to epoxy or concrete.

Interlocking Garage Tile Floors 

Have you heard of interlocking garage tile floors?

Interlocking garage tiles can be easily installed and offer great protection to your existing garage floors. The tiles create a surface that is comfortable to walk on and impact-resistant. You can always switch up the tile floors if you want a different color or design for your garage floor.

Epoxy Floor Coatings

Epoxy garage floor coatings are resistant to dust, moisture, and other chemicals, making them an ideal choice for those living in Southwest Florida. Epoxy coatings also prevent the spread of dust and dirt through your garage to your indoors. Epoxy floor coatings act as a sealer, making dirty garages a thing of the past. Cleaning an epoxy-coated garage floor is very easy and less time-consuming.

Before you get started with your epoxy garage floor, you need to decide on what style you want. At Modern Garage. we have a wide range of different floor coating styles that will completely elevate your garage. 

Benefits of Modern Garage floor coatings: 

  • UV stable, no yellowing

  • Non-slip surface 

  • Holds up great to chemicals 

  • Excellent scratch and impact resistant 

  • Lifetime warranty 

  • Moisture insensitive basecoat (no worries from water) 

  • Easy to clean 

How long will my garage floor coating last? 

An epoxy garage floor coating can add years to your garage and can also preserve your concrete floor. As long as your new garage floor is properly maintained, it can last for years or even decades. 

Rest assured, our expert installers prepare every surface before they apply the commercial-grade epoxy. 

Who offers the best garage floor coating solutions in Southwest Florida? 

Modern Garage of Florida is a full-service garage enhancement company that services all of Southwest Florida. Our specialties are floor coatings, custom cabinetry, and complete storage solutions. We work hard to ensure that your experience with us is a memorable one. Schedule your free consultation and estimate today!

We service the following areas: Naples, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Sarasota, Venice, Bradenton, North Port, Port Charlotte, and Punta Gorda. We are locally owned and operated!