The 5 Best Garage Storage Systems of 2021

The garage is one of the most useful places in any home where people can store their belongings. Most garages lack the shelving, cabinetry, or other organization systems necessary for storing everything in a clean and organized way. Nearly a third of those with a garage have way too much stuff in it to even park a car! Does this sound like your garage space?

If you want to take full advantage of your garage and turn it into an amazing bonus space, this article is for you.

Are you planning to makeover your garage space? Great!! Keep on reading because I’m going to share the five best garage storage systems of 2021. I have analyzed various aspects of different garage storage systems, so you will be able to find what you need to turn that dingy garage into a beautiful bonus space!

Seville Classics 5-Tire Shelving

The Seville classic 5-tire shelving is an excellent way to organize your garage. It’s a standing unit that features sound construction, ultra zinc plating, and amazing casters for flexible positioning. You can use this versatile model as a food storage rack in your kitchen as well as in your garage for organizing items. 

FlexiMount Overhead Storage Rack 

If you don’t have extra space in your garage then a Fleximount overhead storage system is the best option for you. Unlike other storage options, it will not sit on the floor to make the space even more congested. The Fleximount storage rack is a heavy-duty overhead storage system, and it comes with long horizontal braces. You can fit it easily into your stud setup. This super durable Fleximount overhead storage system can hold up to 500 pounds too!

Wall Control Steel Pegboard  

This is a great alternate for a tool chest. Tool chests take too much floor space and one has to dig through its drawers to find a tool. A Wall Control Pegboard is a great option for those who want all their tools off the ground and that can be easily accessible.

Quality PVC Slatwall

A quality PVC Slatwall is a great way to maximize the storage space in your garage. A Slatwall can be used to organize tools, cleaning supplies, and sports equipment. Anything that you feel needs to be put away can be stored on a PVC Slatwall organization system. These walls are not just good for creating extra space but also give a modern, finished look to your garage. These PVC Slatwall systems protect your garage walls and are super durable.

Heavy-duty Garage Hooks

One of the best choices for maximizing your garage organization is buying heavy-duty garage hooks. Garage hooks are best to keep the extra stuff off the garage floor. These hooks do not take up floor space. They are mounted on the wall to hold heavy tools such as shovels, ladders, gardening pruners, and so much more! These hooks are durable and relatively inexpensive compared to other garage storage systems.

Do you need professional help with organizing your garage? Call Modern Garage in SWFL today!!

Modern Garage is a full-service garage enhancement company that services all of Southwest Florida. Our specialties are floor coatings, custom cabinetry, and complete storage solutions. We work hard to ensure that your experience with us is a memorable one. Schedule your free consultation and estimate today!